Sunday, April 17, 2016

In the Beginning...

I recently read a book that really made begin questioning long held beliefs. The book is by Andy Andrews and is titled  How Do You Kill 11 Million People: Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think.  

In this book, Andrews delves into the powers of Hitler to mislead millions of people which led to the deaths of over 11 million people including 6 million Jews.  He then discusses the powers of modern day leaders to sway us to the same sort of madness.

The power of this book lies in making the reader think about his/her values. It forces us to question every leader's motives--which isn't a bad thing! Because this book is so short, it is a wonderful book to read and pass along to friends who will then want to discuss it.  There is even a book club guide isn't new back of the book.

I highly recommend this book to everyone from high schoolers to adults. In fact, it would make for great discussion around the dinner table!

* These opinions are my own.