When I was a little girl, we lived way out in the country. My mom ran a restaurant, so we inevitably were driving home in the evenings. Country roads are dark at night, folks! And to make matters worse, we had to drive past an old, old cemetery. That sucker was so old, it was grown up with weeds, the headstones were tilted, and there were trees with moss draping down over the headstones to add to the effect. As we rode by each night, I would squeeze my eyes shut as tight as I could, slump down in my seat, and try to think of anything I could to keep my mind off of that spooky old cemetery and the ghosts and goblins that must have inherited it.
As I repeated the ritual night after night, I must have exasperated my dad, because he finally asked me what I was doing. When I shamefully explained my actions, my dad said something that has always stuck with me. He said, “It’s not the people in the cemeteries you have to worry about; it’s the ones who are living.” He was clearly talking about the state of the world we live in. Our fallen nature has made this place something much less than the garden God intended. But I see those wise words much differently now.
We should be living each day with a sense of urgency. We are too late to help those who have gone on before us. We need to spend each day “worrying” about those who are walking among us who don’t know Christ. My friend Beth reminded me today that we need to live each day as if it is our last with regard to telling people about Jesus.
Romans 10:14 says: How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
We have an amazing story to share! There are opportunities all around us to tell people about what a wonderful Savior we serve. Don’t miss them because your head is covered up and you are slumped down in the seat in fear!