Saturday, March 21, 2020

Don't let this make you "Miserable"

les mis friends GIF

It's Saturday and I deliberately woke up early this morning to beat the crowds to the local discount store.  We needed a few items and I needed to avoid people so I said to myself, "Self, let's go when they open up and no one will be there."  Well, I was wrong.   

I had a strategy in mind--avoid people at all costs, and get in and get out as quickly as possible.  In fact, I was in such a hurry that it took me a while to notice it.  Even though there were a lot of people there, no one was crowding each other.  In fact, everyone appeared to go to great lengths to give each other distance.  I ended up in the craft section looking at fabric and another very nice lady wandered over as well.  She politely stood back the suggested 3-6 feet while I looked at the fat quarters before I stepped over so that she could look as well.  We started chatting and turns out she was purchasing cloth to make hospital masks for visitors so that the other masks can be saved for hospital personnel. There is a terrible shortage in some places and hospitals are asking those who sew to help them out.

Then on my way home, I decided to listen to some uplifting music (cue laughter), and put on the finale to Les Miserables.  This perfectly fit my mood at the moment and I cruised along singing when I heard it--the phrase that perfectly fits our situation and reminds us of what we need to hear each day, "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise"--Victor Hugo.

This existence can only make me "miserable" if I let it. I can choose to let this all get me down or I can choose to use this extra time I've been given to be a blessing to someone else. Instead of grumbling about what this stinkin' virus has done, I choose to count my blessings and enjoy the time I am given with my family. I refuse to be one of  Les Miserables today! (bad pun intended)


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