Saturday, October 29, 2016

Tuning In

Tuning In

When my oldest sons turned three we began training them to sit still in big church.  We would file into our pew, pull out paper and pencil, and whisper reminders to be quiet and listen when church started.  We practiced holding the hymnals (even though they couldn’t yet read the songs) and looking up scripture together.

After a while we began to expect those little darlings to begin absorbing some of what they heard, so we would quiz them after church was over. We would discuss the pastor’s sermon and sometimes they would have really good answers to our questions, proving that they were indeed listening.

Of my twin sons, Garrett has the most trouble being still and one Sunday in particular he really got my goat! The preacher had a great sermon that even a child could understand and there was Garrett--doodling away while Kyle listened intently. As soon as we got to the car, I blasted Garrett! “Do you have any idea at all what the preacher was talking about today?” I asked him. Garrett quickly pulled out his detailed drawing of Jesus and the two thieves on their crosses at Calvary. He pointed to each of the thieves in turn and said, “See, Mama. This one was only out to save his neck, but this one was out to save his soul!”

I should have been ashamed, but instead I was humbled and filled with joy at the way God had spoken to this small child.  It makes me wonder--how intent are we to hear what God has for each of us? Do we listen with a childlike faith and trust that God will speak?

Proverbs 8:32-34 reads: “Now therefore, O sons, listen to me, for blessed are they who keep my ways. Heed instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. Blessed is the man who listens to me.”   

Even at a young age, Garrett was learning to listen to God. There’s a lesson in there for us. Sometimes we get so busy that we don’t stop to really listen. I challenge you to tune in to the Father as much as you tune in to the many distractions of life.  I promise He has incredible things to share with you!

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